Friday, April 10, 2009

'cause I am scrappy like that....

So, in an effort to be thrifty and not make any impromptu trips to the fabric store... I have been finding little projects that use things I already have. I am trying really hard to follow the mantra that homemade gifts are just as good as store bought, and that people really do appreciate something you've put effort and thought into.

Scrappy project #1: I decided I needed some more coasters in my house. These are simply two pieces of fabric with a scrap of batting in the middle to give it a little more "umph." Then I did a very basic straight stitch around and around until it was all solidly together.

Project #2: The nieces wanted some more of those little flowers for their hair.

Project #3: Kimono wrap baby shoes. I am hoping to make more of these, since the pattern is SO EASY. Two pieces, a couple lines of straight stitching and you're done! Lots of scrap opportunity with these. I definitely think the next set (which, let's face it, the first time around is always a little bit of a struggle!), I will pay more attention to the direction the fabric is facing so the animals aren't upside down... this time I will just say that I did it so the animals were face up for the baby to look at. (sounds convincing, right?)

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